Blog - ProductionPro

Headed Into Rehearsals? Don’t Worry – You Got This.

Headed Into Rehearsals? Don’t Worry – You Got This. 480 270 ProductionPro

How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice, practice, practice!– Jack Benny Cast? Check. Set designs? Check. Materials for first…

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MTI Partners With iPad App Behind Hamilton and Frozen to Make Licensed Productions a Success

MTI Partners With iPad App Behind Hamilton and Frozen to Make Licensed Productions a Success 1024 640 ProductionPro

“Young people are the storytellers of tomorrow. And starting today, we’re bringing ProductionPro into schools. Our company is partnering with…

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Forbes Calls ProductionPro the New Broadway App Making The Creative Process A Snap

Forbes Calls ProductionPro the New Broadway App Making The Creative Process A Snap 1024 768 ProductionPro

Forbes writes that ProductionPro “automatically pulls together all choreography breakdowns, prop presets, costume tracks, and designs into one simple place…

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ProductionPro Among Disney Accelerator’s New Startup Class

ProductionPro Among Disney Accelerator’s New Startup Class 1024 1024 ProductionPro

Guess who’s joining the club? 🙂 ProductionPro is absolutely thrilled to announce our spot in this year’s Disney Accelerator! We…

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Showpeople @ Work: Shiva Kalaiselvan, Actor-Producer

Showpeople @ Work: Shiva Kalaiselvan, Actor-Producer 600 400 ProductionPro

It was 5:30am in London, United Kingdom. Investment banker Shiva Kalaiselvan was working yet another (usual) 100-hour week when she…

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ProductionPro Featured on NBC News!

ProductionPro Featured on NBC News! 1024 768 ProductionPro

NBC News calls ProductionPro “The App Changing the Way Hollywood Makes Your Favorite Shows.” Have you ever watched a movie…

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Fail Better.

Fail Better. 500 500 ProductionPro

Hang around creative types long enough, and you’re destined for a few run-ins with the f-word. Failure, that is. In…

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What’s Your Big Idea?

What’s Your Big Idea? 960 640 ProductionPro

At the heart of every invention – in music, in mechanics, in filmmaking – lies an idea. A big one.…

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Showpeople @ Work: Jerry Popolis, Film Hair Dept. Head

Showpeople @ Work: Jerry Popolis, Film Hair Dept. Head 600 399 ProductionPro

“In high school, I wanted to be an undertaker, a mortician…” “Wait…what?” I said. Jerry chuckles, and continues, “In my…

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The LAUNCH Incubator: Hacking the 10,000-Hour Rule

The LAUNCH Incubator: Hacking the 10,000-Hour Rule 480 270 ProductionPro

Every day, startups make quick decisions based on limited data.  Common wisdom holds that it takes roughly 10,000 hours of…

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Showpeople At Work

Showpeople At Work 1024 418 ProductionPro

Thinking of launching a startup? Here’s some advice I’ve found useful: Start small. By this I mean, begin with a…

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Showpeople @ Work: Sisters Louise and Joanna McCarthy

Showpeople @ Work: Sisters Louise and Joanna McCarthy 600 401 ProductionPro

Film Makeup Department Head and Key Makeup “Did you do this for us?” I asked, as we encountered a beautifully…

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Work Vs Job – The Showdown

Work Vs Job – The Showdown 1024 576 ProductionPro

In everyday conversation, we rarely distinguish between our “work” and our “job.” But I draw a crucial distinction between the…

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No People Like Show People.

No People Like Show People. 1024 681 ProductionPro

There are those who come together and use their incredible range of skills to create what the world watches. Who…

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ProductionPro Wins Audience Choice Award!

ProductionPro Wins Audience Choice Award! 150 150 ProductionPro

ProductionPro was the Audience’s Choice at the Made in New York Media Center’s Demo Day 2016. Find out more about…

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Like So Many I Know

Like So Many I Know 1024 1024 ProductionPro

I’ve been making shows my entire life. By the time I turned six, I’d subjected my family members to so…

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