Tour ProductionPro's Theatre Features - ProductionPro

What can ProductionPro do?
Let us show you.

One place for all your rehearsal materials? We’ve got that. This tour will walk you through some of the things our platform can do.

Trusted by over 50k Production Pros

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Trusted by over 50k Production Pros

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Theatre features

Digital Scripts and Scores, plus so much more

Access digital scripts and piano/vocal scores,  create/share notes from your script and link rehearsal materials to scenes/characters. ProductionPro's innovative and online sharing platform enables you to direct everyone to a single-source that contains your ongoing rehearsal information.

Digital Scripts and Scores, plus so much more

Theatre features

Access digital scripts and piano/vocal scores,  create/share notes from your script and link rehearsal materials to scenes/characters. ProductionPro's innovative and online sharing platform enables you to direct everyone to a single-source that contains your ongoing rehearsal information.